healing matters

healing matters

conditionings all conditionings veil the consciousness that we are their origin is a twist at some point in the history of manifestation that resulted in duality conditionings blur our vision and deny direct access to Self (this is a programmed limitation) by removing...
clear the debt

clear the debt

the first full Moon of the spring (ides of March), the exact time was 7:48pm GMST and the transmission of the day spring cleaning, dissolution of karmic residues, wiping the slate clean and new expansion      
spring equinox

spring equinox

a meditation to celebrate the beginning of spring on 20 March 2021 (the passage was at 9:38am GMT) turmoil in the heart, gradual settling of the collective frequency patience !          
an expanded reality

an expanded reality

little boosts   congestion your mind is not clear, it is foggy, restless, scattered, your heart is unstable, unpredictable, you experience huge waves within and without (in the order you prefer) the ego doesn’t like it at all and will inevitably try to regain...
a sacred space

a sacred space

a meditation circle the night of the new Moon in Pisces on 13 March 2021 (it was at 10:21am GMT) taking care of the parts of us that are running out of steam or getting lost immense softness and infinite love        ...