May 26, 2021 | astro blog |
this is the first of two eclipses this spring (peak was at 12:18pm GMDT) it wasn’t be visible under our latitudes in the middle of the day, a spectacular alignement of our multiple destinies
May 11, 2021 | astro blog |
a circle of meditation in the evening of the Taurus new Moon (it was at 8:00pm GMST) back to the roots, the foundations of living on Earth resolving the distortion ends the longing for home ...
May 2, 2021 | glimpses of events |
shedding skin as a way of living, again and again, continuously before we are excitable, irritable, hyper-reactive during nothing, blackout, no touching after increased energy, a lot of vitality, new impulses a complete stripping, being exposed and vulnerable with no...
Apr 27, 2021 | astro blog |
a meditation circle the night of the super full Moon in Scorpio (it was at 4:31am GMST in the morning) the first of three super Moons this spring, focus is on Gaia and bonding with her
Apr 12, 2021 | astro blog |
a meditation circle around the Aries new Moon (it was at 3:31am GMST), witnessing a remarkable stellium of planets in Aries the evidence of what is … and we don’t realise fully yet ...