land healing is self-healing

land healing is self-healing

land healing as about our inner landscape, that is the matter of our psyche, heart and emotions   several month after Stephanie gave the land where I live a healing session, I realised that it was complete what had changed was that I had finally reached a state...
catch your breath

catch your breath

waiting for the new Moon in Cancer (at 2:17am GMDT on 10 July) align, reconnect and get a glimpse of the bigger picture from the the view point of unity a precious transmission and guidance        
summer solstice

summer solstice

a meditation circle the night of the solstice on 21 June 2021 (summer began this morning at 4:33am) fusion of antagonist forces, descent of vibration of unity        
annular solar eclipse

annular solar eclipse

a meditation around the second eclipse of the season on 10 June 2021 (peak was at 11:54am GMST) the art of standing in perfect alignment with your destiny grounding in the now, movements from deep within   please note, the meditation ends at 20’10”...