Oct 31, 2020 | astro blog |
a circle of meditation around the Taurus full Moon on 31 October 2020 as part of the retreat networking at Radhadesh, Belgium
Oct 20, 2020 | glimpses of events |
in the midst of conflict re-establish the connections a relationship with myself I take a stand in my truth I allow the resolution of inner conflicts (projected outside) a living network evolves by affinity what really matters no chill time ! ...
Oct 8, 2020 | 5D updates |
here are a few little seasonal games be aware of our body in ordinary daily activities how it engages in action all related sensations whether it is pleasant or not (intense and brief, a few times every day) move your body taking support on the elements...
Oct 4, 2020 | astro blog |
a astrological update on celestial mechanics (our solar system = a greater version of ourselves) in the background of the global transformation following the series of eclipses around the summer solstice (lunar eclipse on 5 June, solar on 21 June and lunar...
Oct 1, 2020 | astro blog |
01 : 10 first of October 2020 a remote meditation circle around the Aries full Moon (it will be at 22:05 pm GMST) whilst collective movements are accelerating, let’s settle within ourselves and allow personal processes to complete safely ...