Sep 24, 2019 | astro blog |
equinox meditation at the Louvre pyramid, Paris, France 23 September 2019 a few hours after the balance point of day and night, (actual time was 8:51am GMST) get to know better who we are, what we are here for, learn to live together the place set the...
Sep 22, 2019 | glimpses of events |
things happen when they do s u r p r i s e ! energy, frequency and vibration define their modalities (thank you Nicola Tesla !) this often passes over the head, even though we could sense it timing isn’t always in our hands the entire universe...
Sep 18, 2019 | astro blog |
meditation on the full Moon in Pisces 14 September 2019, London, UK a meditation circle on balancing bodies six months after the new Moon in Pisces, we come back together, this time for the full Moon in Pisces, where mind and heart merge in unity and our...
Sep 17, 2019 | 5D updates |
all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned all conditioned manipulated manipulated manipulated manipulated ...
Aug 29, 2019 | glimpses of events |
ascension gradually increasing awareness of a subtler and more refined perception a new dimension of reality every dot contains and reveals a limitless space becoming aware of the vibration witch supports this space and connects everything with everything surrendering...